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本文共 71948 字,大约阅读时间需要 239 分钟。



/** * 表单附件上传组件 * * @date    2017-07-10 * @author  shuwenjie<4483378@qq.com> */import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';import { ImagePicker  } from 'antd-mobile';import FormConfigs from './configs';import common from '../../../configs/common';class Attach extends React.Component {  static get propTypes() {    return {      title: PropTypes.string,      defaultValue:PropTypes.array,      onValueChange: PropTypes.func,      isrequired: PropTypes.number,    };  }  static get defaultProps() {    return {      defaultValue:[],      isrequired:0,      onValueChange: () => {},    };  }  constructor(props) {    super(props);    const {defaultValue}=this.props;    this.state = {      files: defaultValue    };  }  onChange = (files, type, index) => {    console.log(files);    this.setState({      files,    });  };  onAddImageClick = (e) => {    //e.preventDefault();    // this.setState({
// files: this.state.files.concat({
// url: 'https://zos.alipayobjects.com/rmsportal/hqQWgTXdrlmVVYi.jpeg', // id: '3', // }), // }); }; onTabChange = (key) => { console.log(key); }; render() { const {style,placeholder,title,isrequired,defaultValue}=this.props; const { files } = this.state; return (
{ title?
:null }
console.log(index, fs)} onAddImageClick={
this.onAddImageClick} />
); }}export default Attach;


/** * 表单文本输入框组件 * * @date    2017-06-21 * @author  shuwenjie<4483378@qq.com> */import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';import { Icon} from 'antd-mobile';import common from '../../../configs/common';class AttachUpload extends React.Component {  static get propTypes() {    return {      title: PropTypes.string,      onValueChange: PropTypes.func,      placeholder: PropTypes.string,      defaultValue: PropTypes.string,      isrequired: PropTypes.number,      style:PropTypes.object,      maxlength: PropTypes.number,    };  }  static get defaultProps() {    return {      onValueChange() {},      placeholder: '请输入',      defaultValue: '',      isrequired: 0,      style:{},      maxlength:200    };  }  constructor(props) {    super(props);    const {style}=this.props;    this.state = { };  }  componentDidMount() {    const { defaultValue,onValueChange } = this.props;    if (defaultValue && defaultValue !== '') {      if(onValueChange)        onValueChange(defaultValue);    }  }  //渲染单行文本  returnSingleInput(){    const {style,placeholder,title,maxlength,isrequired,defaultValue,onValueChange}=this.props;    return(      
{ console.log('dd'); }} type='file' accept="image/png,image/gif,image/jpg" />
{ if(onValueChange) onValueChange(text); //this.setState({keyWord:text}) }} />*/}
); } render() { const {style}=this.props; return( this.returnSingleInput() ); }}export default AttachUpload;



/** * 表单公式计算组件 * * @date    2017-07-12 * @author  shuwenjie<4483378@qq.com> */import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';import {  Text,  View,} from 'react-native';import FormConfigs from './configs';import common from '../../../configs/common';class TaskFormCalculate extends React.Component {  static get propTypes() {    return {      title: PropTypes.string,      currentValue: PropTypes.object,      onValueChange: PropTypes.func,      formulaString: PropTypes.string,    };  }  static get defaultProps() {    return {      title: '标题',      onValueChange() {},    };  }  constructor(props) {    super(props);    this.state = {      value: 0,      formula: {},    };  }  componentDidMount() {    const { formulaString, currentValue } = this.props;    const json = formulaString.replace(/\'/g, '"');    const formula = JSON.parse(json);    this.setState({ formula });    this._computed(formula, currentValue);  }  componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {    const { currentValue } = this.props;    if (currentValue._count !== nextProps.currentValue._count) {      // 值改变以后根据计算公式重新计算值      this._computed(this.state.formula, nextProps.currentValue);    }  }  // 开始计算  _computed(formula, formValue) {    let value = 0;    const { type, params } = formula;    if (type && Array.isArray(params)) {      value = this._calc(type, params, formValue);    }    this.setState({ value });  }  // 展开公式  _calc(type, params, formValue) {    let result = 0;    if (Array.isArray(params)) {      for (let i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {        const temp = this._calc(params[i].type, params[i].params, formValue);        if (i === 0) {          // 第一个数为初始化值          result = temp;        } else {          switch (type) {            case 'ADD': result += temp; break;            case 'SUB': result -= temp; break;            case 'MUL': result *= (temp === 0 ? 1 : temp); break;            case 'DIV': result /= (temp === 0 ? 1 : temp); break;            default: result = 0; break;          }        }      }    } else {      switch (type) {        case 'FIELD': result = this._getFieldValueFromFormValue(params, formValue); break;        case 'VALUE': result = isNaN(params) ? 0 : parseFloat(params); break;        default: result = 0; break;      }    }    return result;  }  // 从表单中取出字段值  _getFieldValueFromFormValue (ctrlName, formValue) {    let result = 0;    try {      if (ctrlName.indexOf(';') > 0) {        // 子表列求和        const ctrlArr = ctrlName.split(';');        const tableValue = formValue[ctrlArr[0]];        if (tableValue) {          for (let i = 0; i < tableValue.length; i ++) {            const subTableValue = tableValue[i][ctrlArr[1]];            if (subTableValue && !isNaN(subTableValue)) {              result += parseFloat(subTableValue);            }          }        }      } else {        // 直接去主表值        result = parseFloat(formValue[ctrlName]);      }    } catch (e) {      result = 0;    }    return isNaN(result) ? 0 : result;  }  // 渲染标题  renderTitle() {    const { title } = this.props;    return (      
); } render() { return (
{ this.renderTitle() }
); }}export default TaskFormCalculate;


/** * 表单设置 * * @route   TaskForm * @date    2017-06-21 * @author  shuwenjie<4483378@qq.com> */const FormConfigs = {  titleWidth: 80,  paddingLeftAndRight: 15,  lineHeight: 45,  buttonHeight: 50,  placeholderTextColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255,0.5)',  // 配置转换  KEYBOARD_TYPE: {    DEFAULT: 'default',    NUMERIC: 'numeric',  },  SELECT_TYPE: {    SELECT_SINGLE_PAGE: 'SELECT_SINGLE_PAGE',    SELECT_YES_OR_NO: 'SELECT_YES_OR_NO',  },  TEXT_TYPE: {    TEXT_SINGLE_DEFAULT: 'TEXT_SINGLE_DEFAULT', // 单行普通文本    TEXT_SINGLE_NUMBER: 'TEXT_SINGLE_NUMBER',   // 单行数字文本    TEXT_SINGLE_MONEY: 'TEXT_SINGLE_MONEY',     // 单行金额文本    TEXT_MULTIPLE: 'TEXT_MULTIPLE',             // 多行普通文本  },  OPERATE_TYPE: {    START: 'start',    AUDIT: 'audit',    REJECT: 'reject',  }};export default FormConfigs;


/** * 表单日期选择组件 * * @date    2017-06-22 * @author  shuwenjie<4483378@qq.com> */import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';import { DatePicker,List } from 'antd-mobile';import FormConfigs from './configs';import common from '../../../configs/common';import moment from 'moment';class TaskFormDatePicker extends React.Component {  static get propTypes() {    return {      style:PropTypes.object,      mode:PropTypes.string,      title: PropTypes.string,      placeholder: PropTypes.string,      defaultValue: PropTypes.any,      onValueChange: PropTypes.func,      isrequired: PropTypes.number,      minDate:PropTypes.any,      maxDate:PropTypes.any    };  }  static get defaultProps() {    return {      style:{},      mode:'datetime',      title: '标题',      placeholder: '请选择日期',      defaultValue:moment(),      isrequired:0,      onValueChange() {},      minDate:null,      maxDate:null    };  }  constructor(props) {    super(props);    this.state = { };  }  componentDidMount() {    const { defaultValue,mode,onValueChange } = this.props;    if (defaultValue && defaultValue !== '') {      switch(mode){        case 'date':          if(onValueChange)            onValueChange(defaultValue);          break;        default:          break;      }    }  }     render() {    const {style,isrequired,title,placeholder,onValueChange,mode,minDate,maxDate,defaultValue}=this.props;    return(      
{ switch(mode){ case 'date': this.setState({ selectedDate:date}); if(onValueChange) onValueChange(date); break; default: break; } }} >
); }}export default TaskFormDatePicker;


/** * 表单文本输入框组件 * * @date    2017-06-21 * @author  shuwenjie<4483378@qq.com> */import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';import { TextareaItem,InputItem} from 'antd-mobile';import common from '../../../configs/common';class FormInput extends React.Component {  static get propTypes() {    return {      type: PropTypes.string,      multiline: PropTypes.bool,      title: PropTypes.string,      onValueChange: PropTypes.func,      placeholder: PropTypes.string,      defaultValue: PropTypes.string,      isrequired: PropTypes.number,      style:PropTypes.object,      maxlength: PropTypes.number,    };  }  static get defaultProps() {    return {      type:'text',      multiline: false,      onValueChange() {},      placeholder: '请输入',      defaultValue: '',      isrequired: 0,      style:{},      maxlength:200    };  }  constructor(props) {    super(props);    const {style}=this.props;    this.state = { };    this.MultilineHeight='3rem';    if(style.flex==1){      this.MultilineHeight='100%';    }  }  componentDidMount() {    const { defaultValue,onValueChange } = this.props;    if (defaultValue && defaultValue !== '') {      if(onValueChange)        onValueChange(defaultValue);    }  }  //渲染单行文本  returnSingleInput(){    const {style,type,placeholder,title,maxlength,isrequired,defaultValue,onValueChange}=this.props;    return(      
{ if(onValueChange) onValueChange(text); //this.setState({keyWord:text}) }} />
); } //渲染多行文本 returnMultilineInput(){ const {style,placeholder,title,maxlength,isrequired,defaultValue,onValueChange}=this.props; return(
{ title?
:null } { title?
:null }
{ if(onValueChange) onValueChange(text); }} defaultValue={defaultValue} />
); } render() { const {multiline,style}=this.props; let returnObj=null; if(multiline) { returnObj=this.returnMultilineInput(); }else{ returnObj=this.returnSingleInput() } return( returnObj ); }}export default FormInput;



/** * 下拉选择组件 * * @date    2017-08-12 * @author  wuxiaoyan<408991702@qq.com> */import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';import { Menu,Icon  } from 'antd-mobile';import FormConfigs from './configs';import common from '../../../configs/common';import './ListItem.less';class ListItem extends React.Component {  static get propTypes() {    return {      title: PropTypes.string,      onValueChange: PropTypes.func,      placeholder: PropTypes.string,      defaultValue:PropTypes.string || PropTypes.object,      isrequired: PropTypes.number,      dataSource:PropTypes.array,      relationfield:PropTypes.array,    };  }  static get defaultProps() {    return {      title: '标题',      onValueChange() {},      placeholder: '请选择',      isrequired:0,      relationfield:['value','label']    };  }  constructor(props) {    super(props);    const {      placeholder,defaultValue,onValueChange    } = this.props;    let state={      isShowPanel:false    };        if(defaultValue)    {      state = {...state, value:defaultValue};      if (onValueChange && defaultValue) onValueChange(defaultValue);    }else{      state = {...state, value:placeholder};    }    this.state=state;      }   // 渲染选中值  renderValue() {    const {      placeholder,    } = this.props;    let styles={};    if(this.state.value==placeholder)    {      styles = {        padding: 0,        fontSize: '.3rem',        color:FormConfigs.placeholderTextColor,        textAlign:'right',      };    }else{      styles = {        padding: 0,        fontSize: '.3rem',        color:common.theme.txtColor,        textAlign:'right',      };    }    return (      {
); } // 渲染向右的箭头 renderIcon() { return (
); } render() { const {style,title,isrequired,defaultValue,onValueChange,dataSource,relationfield}=this.props; let dataForMenu=[]; dataSource.map((item,index)=>{ dataForMenu.push({ value:item[relationfield[0]], label:item[relationfield[1]], }); }); return (
{ this.setState({isShowPanel:true}) }} >
{ this.renderValue() }
{ this.renderIcon() }
{ dataForMenu.length>0 && this.state.isShowPanel?
{ this.setState({isShowPanel:false}); dataSource.map((item)=>{ if(item[relationfield[0]]==value){ this.setState({value:item[relationfield[1]]}); if(onValueChange) onValueChange(item); } }); }} height={document.documentElement.clientHeight} />:null }
); }}export default ListItem;


.Menu{  background: red;  .am-flexbox{    background: red;  }}


/** * 表单文本输入框组件 * * @date    2017-06-21 * @author  shuwenjie<4483378@qq.com> */import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';import common from '../../../configs/common';class RichText extends React.Component {  static get propTypes() {    return {      id: PropTypes.string,      height:PropTypes.number    };  }  static get defaultProps() {    return {      height:200,    };  }  constructor(props) {    super(props);    const {style}=this.props;    this.state = { };  }  componentDidMount() {    this.initEditor();  }  componentWillUnmount() {    // 组件卸载后,清除放入库的id    UE.delEditor(this.props.id);  }  initEditor() {    const id = this.props.id;    const ueEditor = UE.getEditor(this.props.id, {                  toolbars:[[                  "fullscreen", "source", "|", 'undo', 'redo', '|',"bold", "italic", "underline","|",              'fontborder', 'strikethrough', 'superscript', 'subscript', 'removeformat', 'formatmatch', 'autotypeset', 'blockquote', 'pasteplain', '|', 'forecolor', 'backcolor', 'insertorderedlist', 'insertunorderedlist', 'selectall', 'cleardoc', '|',              'rowspacingtop', 'rowspacingbottom', 'lineheight', '|',              'customstyle', 'paragraph', 'fontfamily', 'fontsize', '|',              'directionalityltr', 'directionalityrtl', 'indent', '|',               "justifyleft", "justifycenter", "justifyright", "justifyjustify", "simpleupload",'insertvideo']],wordCount:false,elementPathEnabled:false,autoHeight: false           }    );    const self = this;    ueEditor.ready((ueditor) => {      if (!ueditor) {        UE.delEditor(id);        self.initEditor();      }    })  }    render() {        return(      
); }}export default RichText;


/** * 表单单选组件 * * @date    2017-06-21 * @author  shuwenjie<4483378@qq.com> */import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';import {  Text,  View,  Switch,  TouchableOpacity,  Platform,  DeviceEventEmitter,} from 'react-native';import FormConfigs from './configs';import common from '../../../configs/common';import Ionicons from 'react-native-vector-icons/Ionicons';import { toastShort } from '../../../utils/Toast';import LabelGroup from '../LabelGroup';class TaskFormSingleSelect extends React.Component {  static get propTypes() {    return {      title: PropTypes.string,      type: PropTypes.oneOf(Object.keys(FormConfigs.SELECT_TYPE)),      value: PropTypes.string,      placeholder: PropTypes.string,      defalutValue: PropTypes.string,      options: PropTypes.array,      onValueChange: PropTypes.func,      disabled: PropTypes.bool,      dataSourceId: PropTypes.string,      dataSourceType: PropTypes.string,      reference: PropTypes.array,      displayFieldName: PropTypes.string,      displayReferName: PropTypes.string,      ctrlId: PropTypes.string,      rowIndex: PropTypes.number,      isrequired: PropTypes.any,      defaultDisplay: PropTypes.string,      onSelectValueChange: PropTypes.func,    };  }  static get defaultProps() {    return {      title: '标题',      type: '',      value: '',      placeholder: '请选择',      defalutValue: '',      options: [],      onValueChange() {},      onSelectValueChange() {},      disabled: false,      reference: [],      displayFieldName: '',      defaultDisplay: '',    };  }  constructor(props) {    super(props);    this.state = {      val: false,      display: '',      current: '',      reference: {},    };  }  componentDidMount() {    const { type, defalutValue, options } = this.props;    if (type === FormConfigs.SELECT_TYPE.SELECT_YES_OR_NO && defalutValue === '1') {      this.setState({ val: true });      return;    }    if (defalutValue !== '') {      let display = '';      for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {        if (options[i].value === defalutValue) {          display = options[i].title;        }      }      this.setState({ display });    }  }  _selecting() {    const { title, type, disabled, navigation, dataSourceId, dataSourceType, displayFieldName, ctrlId, rowIndex,  } = this.props;    if (disabled) {      toastShort(`${title}不能改变`);      return;    }    if (type === FormConfigs.SELECT_TYPE.SELECT_YES_OR_NO) {      return;    }    // 注册一次性事件    const event = `event_${(new Date()).valueOf()}`;    navigation.navigate('TaskSubmitFormSingleSelectOption', { data: { title, event, dataSourceId, dataSourceType, value: this.state.current } });    DeviceEventEmitter.addListener(event, (option, complex) => {      if (option && option !== null) {        const { onSelectValueChange, reference, displayReferName } = this.props;        if (complex) {          this.setState({            display: option.data[displayFieldName],            reference: option.data,            current: option.value          });          const complexValue = [            { ctrlId, value: option.value, rowIndex },            { ctrlId: displayReferName, value: option.data[displayFieldName], rowIndex },          ];          for (let i = 0; i < reference.length; i++) {            const refer = reference[i];            const key = refer.dataSourceId.substring(refer.dataSourceId.indexOf(';') + 1);            complexValue.push({              ctrlId: refer.name,              value: option.data[key],              rowIndex,            });          }          onSelectValueChange(complexValue);        } else {          this.setState({             display: option.title,            current: option.value,          });          const complexValue = [            { ctrlId, value: option.value, rowIndex },            { ctrlId: `_display_${ctrlId}`, value: option.title, rowIndex },          ];          onSelectValueChange(complexValue);        }      }      DeviceEventEmitter.removeCurrentListener();    });  }  // 渲染标题  renderTitle() {    const { title, isrequired } = this.props;    const showTitle = isrequired === 1 ? `* ${title}` : title;    return (      
); } // 渲染值显示 renderValueDisplay() { const { type, placeholder, defaultDisplay } = this.props; if (type === FormConfigs.SELECT_TYPE.SELECT_YES_OR_NO) { return
; } let display = ''; if (defaultDisplay !== '') { display = defaultDisplay; } if (this.state.display !== '') { display = this.state.display; } return (
{display && display !== '' ? display : placeholder}
); } // 渲染操作指示 renderOperation() { const { type, onValueChange, ctrlId, rowIndex } = this.props; if (type === FormConfigs.SELECT_TYPE.SELECT_YES_OR_NO) { return (
{ onValueChange(ctrlId, val ? '1' : '2', rowIndex); this.setState({ val }); }} />
); } return (
); } render() { const { type, reference } = this.props; const group = []; for (let i = 0; i < reference.length; i++) { const refer = reference[i]; const key = refer.dataSourceId.substring(refer.dataSourceId.indexOf(';') + 1); // const display = this.state.reference[key]; let display = ''; if (refer.defaultDisplay && refer.defaultDisplay !== '') { display = refer.defaultDisplay; } if (this.state.reference[key] && this.state.reference[key] !== '') { display = this.state.reference[key]; } group.push({ title: refer.title, info:
, }); } return (
{ this.renderTitle() } { this.renderValueDisplay() } { this.renderOperation() }
{group.length > 0 ?
: null} {group.length > 0 ?
: null}
); }}export default TaskFormSingleSelect;


/** * 提交表单按钮 * * @date    2017-07-11 * @author  wuxiaoyan<408991702@qq.com> */import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';import { Button } from 'antd-mobile';import common from '../../../configs/common';class SubmitButton extends React.Component {  // 接口属性  static get propTypes() {    return {      onPress: PropTypes.func,      text:PropTypes.string    };  }  constructor(props) {    super(props);        // Initialize the view state    this.state = {      showIndex:0,    };  }  render() {    const {onPress} = this.props;    const {text} = this.props;    return (      
); }}export default SubmitButton;




/** * 广告图轮播组件 * * @date    2017-07-08 * @author  wuxiaoyan<408991702@qq.com> *//** * 引用格式 * 
*//** * 配置格式 * dataList:[ { url:'SystemLogin', //跳转链接 选填 默认30 path:require('../../images/index/u84.jpg') } ] */import React,{PropTypes} from 'react';import { Image, TouchableOpacity} from 'react-native';import ViewPager from 'react-native-viewpager';import common from '../../configs/common';class BannerScroll extends React.Component { // injection reduer object and other params static get propTypes() { return { dataList: PropTypes.array, height: PropTypes.number, }; } constructor(props) { super(props); this.renderPage = this.renderPage.bind(this); this.bannerImgClick = this.bannerImgClick.bind(this); let dataSource=new ViewPager.DataSource({ pageHasChanged:(p1,p2)=> p1!==p2, }); // Initialize the view state this.state = { dataSource:dataSource.cloneWithPages(this.props.dataList) }; } //渲染单张轮播图 renderPage(data,pageID){ let url=data?data.url:''; if(data.url){ return(
); }else{ return(
); } } //图片点击事件 bannerImgClick(url){ const {navigation} = this.props; navigation.navigate(url); } render() { return (
); }}// export redux componentexport default BannerScroll;


/** * 日历组件 * * @date    2017-08-10 * @author  wuxiaoyan<408991702@qq.com> */import React from 'react'import {render} from 'react-dom'import CalendarHeader from './CalendarHeader'import CalendarMain from './CalendarMain'const displayDaysPerMonth = (year)=> {  //定义每个月的天数,如果是闰年第二月改为29天  let daysInMonth = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]  if ((year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0) || year % 400 === 0) {    daysInMonth[1] = 29  }  //以下为了获取一年中每一个月在日历选择器上显示的数据,  //从上个月开始,接着是当月,最后是下个月开头的几天  //定义一个数组,保存上一个月的天数  let daysInPreviousMonth = [].concat(daysInMonth)  daysInPreviousMonth.unshift(daysInPreviousMonth.pop())  //获取每一个月显示数据中需要补足上个月的天数  let addDaysFromPreMonth = new Array(12)    .fill(null)    .map((item, index)=> {      let day = new Date(year, index, 1).getDay()      if (day === 0) {        return 6      } else {        return day      }    })  //已数组形式返回一年中每个月的显示数据,每个数据为6行*7天  return new Array(12)    .fill([])    .map((month, monthIndex)=> {      let addDays = addDaysFromPreMonth[monthIndex],        daysCount = daysInMonth[monthIndex],        daysCountPrevious = daysInPreviousMonth[monthIndex],        monthData = []      //补足上一个月      for (; addDays > 0; addDays--) {        monthData.unshift(daysCountPrevious--)      }      //添入当前月      for (let i = 0; i < daysCount;) {        monthData.push(++i)      }      //补足下一个月      for (let i = 42 - monthData.length, j = 0; j < i;) {        monthData.push(++j)      }      return monthData    })}class Calendar extends React.Component {  constructor() {    //继承React.Component    super()    let now = new Date()    this.state = {      year: now.getFullYear(),      month: now.getMonth(),      day: now.getDate(),      //picked: false    }  }  componentDidMount() {    this.datePick(new Date().getDate());  }  //切换到下一个月  nextMonth() {    if (this.state.month === 11) {      this.setState({        year: ++this.state.year,        month: 0      })    } else {      this.setState({        month: ++this.state.month      })    }  }  //切换到上一个月  prevMonth() {    if (this.state.month === 0) {      this.setState({        year: --this.state.year,        month: 11      })    } else {      this.setState({        month: --this.state.month      })    }  }  //选择日期  datePick(day) {    const {onValueChange}=this.props;    this.setState({day},()=>{      if(onValueChange)        onValueChange(this.state.year,this.state.month,this.state.day);    });      }  //标记日期已经选择  picked() {    this.state.picked = true  }  render() {    let props = {      viewData: displayDaysPerMonth(this.state.year),      datePicked: `${
this.state.year} 年 ${
this.state.month + 1} 月 ${
this.state.day} 日` } const {style}=this.props; return (
) }}//将calender实例添加到window上以便获取日期选择数据export default Calendar;



import React from 'react'export default class CalendarHeader extends React.Component {  render() {    return (      
this.props.month + 1}月
) }}


import React from 'react'export default class CalendarMain extends React.Component {  //处理日期选择事件,如果是当月,触发日期选择;如果不是当月,切换月份  handleDatePick(index, styleName) {    switch (styleName) {      case 'thisMonth':        let month = this.props.viewData[this.props.month]        this.props.datePick(month[index])        break      case 'prevMonth':        this.props.prevMonth()        break      case 'nextMonth':        this.props.nextMonth()        break    }  }  //处理选择时选中的样式效果  //利用闭包保存上一次选择的元素,  //在月份切换和重新选择日期时重置上一次选择的元素的样式  changeColor() {    let previousEl = null    return function (event) {      let name = event.target.nodeName.toLocaleLowerCase()      if (previousEl && (name === 'i' || name === 'td')) {        previousEl.style = ''      }      if (event.target.className === 'thisMonth') {        event.target.style = 'background:#F8F8F8;color:#000'        previousEl = event.target      }    }  }  //绑定颜色改变事件  componentDidMount() {    // let changeColor = this.changeColor()    // document.getElementById('calendarContainer')    //   .addEventListener('click', changeColor, false);  }  render() {    //确定当前月数据中每一天所属的月份,以此赋予不同className    let month = this.props.viewData[this.props.month],      rowsInMonth = [],      i = 0,      styleOfDays = (()=> {        let i = month.indexOf(1),          j = month.indexOf(1, i + 1),          arr = new Array(42)        arr.fill('prevMonth', 0, i)        arr.fill('thisMonth', i, j)        arr.fill('nextMonth', j)        return arr      })()    //把每一个月的显示数据以7天为一组等分    month.forEach((day, index)=> {      if (index % 7 === 0) {        rowsInMonth.push(month.slice(index, index + 7))      }    })    return (      
{ rowsInMonth.map((row, rowIndex)=> { return (
{ row.map((day)=> { let tdStyle={}; if(this.props.day==day && styleOfDays[i]=='thisMonth'){ tdStyle={ backgroundColor:'#11ACE9' }; } if(styleOfDays[i]!='thisMonth'){ tdStyle={ backgroundColor:'rgba(40,40,40,0.1)', color:'rgba(180,180,180,1)' }; } return (
) }) }
) }) }
) }}


import React, {PropTypes} from 'react'import {connect} from 'react-redux'import {link, hushHistory} from 'react-router'import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'import { Table, Input, Icon, Button, Popconfirm, Row, Col, Select, DatePicker } from 'antd'export default function creatRow12(option) {    const Option = option    return (
)}var a = { leftType: 'select', leftMust: false, rightType: 'input', rightMust: false, selectMap: [], leftTitle: 'aaa', rightTitle: 'bbb'}//左侧栅格渲染function creatLeft(option) { function handleChange(value) { console.log(`selected ${value}`); } function onChange(date, dateString) { console.log(date, dateString); } if (option.leftType && option.leftType == 'select') { if (option.selectMap && option.selectMap.length > 0) { return creatSelect(option.selectMap) } } else if (option.leftType && option.leftType == 'input') { return creatInput(option) } else if (option.leftType && option.leftType == 'date') { return creatDate() }}//右侧栅格渲染function creatRight(option) { function handleChange(value) { console.log(`selected ${value}`); } function onChange(date, dateString) { console.log(date, dateString); } if (option.rightType && option.rightType == 'select') { if (option.selectMap && option.selectMap.length > 0) { return creatSelect(option.selectMap) } } else if (option.rightType && option.rightType == 'input') { return creatInput(option) } else if (option.rightType && option.rightType == 'date') { return creatDate() }}//渲染下拉选择框function creatSelect(map) { function handleChange(value) { console.log(`selected ${value}`); } if (map && map.length > 0) { let arr = [] for(let i of map) { arr.push(
) } return ( ) }}//渲染输入框function creatInput(option) { return ()}//渲染双输入框function dobulInput() { return (
)}//渲染日期选择框function creatDate() { function onChange(date, dateString) { console.log(date, dateString); } return (



/** * 功能列表组件 * * @date    2017-07-08 * @author  wuxiaoyan<408991702@qq.com> *//** * 引用格式 * 
*//** * 配置格式 * funNavigateCon:{ rowNum:4,//一行展示几个 选填 默认4 imgSize:40,//图片大小 选填 默认30 textStyle:{//文字样式 选填 fontSize:12, color:common.theme.txtColor }, list:[//必填 { name:'水费', icon:require('../../images/index/u162.png'), url:'SystemAgreement', backgroundColor:'#7AC00D' } ] } */import React,{PropTypes} from 'react';import { Image, View, Text, TouchableOpacity} from 'react-native';import common from '../../configs/common';class FunNavigation extends React.Component { // injection reduer object and other params static get propTypes() { return { funNavigateCon: PropTypes.object, }; } constructor(props) { super(props); // Initialize the view state this.state = { }; } //渲染单个图标 renderFunNavigateItem(item,index){ let rowNum=this.props.funNavigateCon.rowNum?this.props.funNavigateCon.rowNum:4; const {navigation} = this.props; return(
navigation.navigate(...item.url)} >
); } render() { return(
{ this.props.funNavigateCon.list.map((item,index) => this.renderFunNavigateItem(item,index) ) }
); }}// export redux componentexport default FunNavigation;



/** * 文本标签组 * * @date    2017-05-24 * @author  shuwenjie<4483378@qq.com> */import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';import { Link } from 'react-router';import { Icon } from 'antd-mobile';import common from '../../configs/common';class Label extends React.Component {  // 接口属性  static get propTypes() {    return {      style: PropTypes.object,      group: PropTypes.array,      rowHeight: PropTypes.number,      titleSize: PropTypes.number,      arrowForwardIconSize: PropTypes.number,    };  }  static get defaultProps() {    return {      rowHeight: 50,      titleSize: 14,      arrowForwardIconSize: common.size.arrowForwardIconSize,    };  }  render() {    const {      group,      style,      rowHeight,      titleSize,    } = this.props;    return (      
{group.map((item, index) => { const { icon, imageSource, title, onPress, info, navigation } = item; return (
{ if (onPress) onPress(() => { }); }} >
{imageSource ?
: null} { info?
} { info?
{group.length > index + 1 ?
: null}
); })}
); }}export default Label;


/** * 数据交互提示框 * * @date    2017-06-01 * @author  shuwenjie<4483378@qq.com> */import React from 'react';import { Icon } from 'antd';import common from '../../configs/common';const SIZES = ['small', 'large'];class Loading extends React.Component {  // 接口属性  static get propTypes() {    return {      visible: React.PropTypes.bool,      color: React.PropTypes.string,      size: React.PropTypes.oneOf(SIZES),      overlayColor: React.PropTypes.string,      onRequestClose: React.PropTypes.func,      loadTip: React.PropTypes.string,    };  }  static get defaultProps() {    return {      visible: false,      color: 'white',      size: 'large',      overlayColor: 'transparent',      onRequestClose() {},      loadTip: '数据加载中...'    };  }  render() {    const {visible,loadTip}=this.props;    let obj=null;    if(visible)    {      obj=


; } return ( obj ); }}export default Loading;


/** * 文本标签组 * * @date    2017-05-24 * @author  shuwenjie<4483378@qq.com> */import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';import { NavBar } from 'antd-mobile';import { hashHistory } from 'react-router';import common from '../../configs/common';class NavBarControl extends React.Component {  static get propTypes() {    return {      goBack: PropTypes.string,      title: PropTypes.string,    };  }   render() {    const {goBack,title}=this.props;    document.title=title;    return (        // 
// if(goBack) // {
// hashHistory.push(goBack); // } // else{
// window.history.go(-1); // } // }} // > // {title} //
null ); }}export default NavBarControl;


/** * 通知公告上下滚动组件 * * @date    2017-07-10 * @author  wuxiaoyan<408991702@qq.com> *//** * 引用格式 * 
*//** * 配置格式 * NoticeScrollList:[ { url:'SystemRegister', text:'各位业主,车辆请停到车位上,不能在小区门口随位上,不能在小区门口随' }, { url:'SystemRegister', text:'1各位业主,车辆请停到车位上,不能在小区门口随位上,不能在小区门口随' } ] */import React,{PropTypes} from 'react';import { Text, TouchableOpacity} from 'react-native';import common from '../../configs/common';class NoticeScroll extends React.Component { // injection reduer object and other params static get propTypes() { return { NoticeScrollList: PropTypes.array, }; } constructor(props) { super(props); // Initialize the view state this.state = { showIndex:0, }; } componentWillMount(){ let showIndex=this.state.showIndex; this.timer = setInterval(() => { if(showIndex>=this.props.NoticeScrollList.length-1) { showIndex=0; }else{ showIndex=showIndex+1; } this.setState({showIndex:showIndex}); }, 3000 ); } componentWillUnmount() { this.timer && clearTimeout(this.timer); } render() { return(
{ const {navigation} = this.props; navigation.navigate(this.props.NoticeScrollList[this.state.showIndex].url); }} >
); }}// export redux componentexport default NoticeScroll;


/** * 数据列表组件 * * @date    2017-06-12 * @author  shuwenjie<4483378@qq.com> */import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';import { Table,Pagination, Row,Col } from 'antd'import common from '../../configs/common';import Loading from './Loading';export default class PagerListView extends React.Component {  static get propTypes() {    return {      pager: PropTypes.array,      columns: PropTypes.array,      childrenKey:PropTypes.string,      rowSelection:PropTypes.object    };  }  constructor(props) {    super(props);    this.state = {    };  }    componentWillUnmount() {      }  changeChild(data){    const { childrenKey } = this.props;    data.map((item)=>{      item.key=item.id;      if(item[childrenKey] && item[childrenKey].length==0){        delete item[childrenKey];      }      if(item[childrenKey] && !item.children){        item.children=item[childrenKey];        delete item[childrenKey];        if (item.children.length>0  && item.children[0][childrenKey]) {          this.changeChild(item.children);        }      }    })  }    // 渲染项目列表  renderListContent() {    const { pager,columns,rowSelection } = this.props;    // 加载中    if (pager === null) {      return (        
); } let productType=pager; this.changeChild(productType); // 正常显示数据 return ( rowSelection?
); } render() { return this.renderListContent(); }}


.am-list-body{    background: transparent;    border-top:none;}.am-list-body:after{display: none}


/** * 数据列表组件 * * @date    2017-06-12 * @author  shuwenjie<4483378@qq.com> */import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';import { Table,Pagination, Row,Col } from 'antd'import common from '../../configs/common';import Loading from './Loading';import style from './PagerListView.css';let canLoadMore;let loadMoreTime = 0;export default class PagerListView extends React.Component {  static get propTypes() {    return {      pager: PropTypes.object,      onPage: PropTypes.func,      columns: PropTypes.array,    };  }  constructor(props) {    super(props);    this.state = {    };  }    componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {    const {pager}=this.props;  }  componentWillUnmount() {  }   // 渲染项目列表  renderListContent() {    const { pager,onPage,columns } = this.props;    // 加载中    if (pager.data === null || pager.initing) {      return (        
); } // 正常显示数据 return (
{ pager.setPageNum(pageNo-1); if (onPage){ onPage() } }} onShowSizeChange={(n,pageSize) => { pager.setpageSize(pageSize); if (onPage){ onPage() } }} />
); } render() { return this.renderListContent(); }}


/** * 页面标题组件 * * @date    2017-10-12 * @author  shuwenjie<4483378@qq.com> */import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';import common from '../../configs/common';export default class PageTitle extends React.Component {  static get propTypes() {    return {      title: PropTypes.string    };  }  constructor(props) {    super(props);    this.state = {    };  }  render() {    const { title } = this.props;    return (      
); }}


.am-list-item.am-input-item:after{display: none;}.am-list-item .am-input-control input{color: #fff}


/** * 文本标签组 * * @date    2017-05-24 * @author  shuwenjie<4483378@qq.com> */import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';import { Link } from 'react-router';import { Input,Button  } from 'antd';import common from '../../configs/common';class SearchBar extends React.Component {  // 接口属性  static get propTypes() {    return {      group: PropTypes.array,      buttons:PropTypes.any,    };  }   render() {    const {      group,buttons    } = this.props;    return (      
{ group? group.map((item,index)=>{ const {title,type,key}=item; switch(type){ case 'input': return(
) default: return null } }) :null } { group?
:null } { buttons?buttons:null }
); }}export default SearchBar;


/** * 发送验证码组件 * * @date    2017-07-08 * @author  wuxiaoyan<408991702@qq.com> */import React,{PropTypes} from 'react';import {  Text,  TouchableOpacity} from 'react-native';import common from '../../configs/common';import utils from '../../utils/Index';import * as signinAction from '../../store/actions/signin';class SendVerificationCode extends React.Component {  // injection reduer object and other params  static get propTypes() {    return {      telPhone: PropTypes.string,    };  }  constructor(props) {    super(props);    // Initialize the view state    this.state = {       text:'获得验证码',      intervalTime:60,      tempText:'获得验证码',      disable:false,      sendUrl:''    };  }  componentWillUnmount() {      this.timer && clearTimeout(this.timer);    }   //点击按钮发送操作  sendCode(){    if(this.state.disable==false)    {      const { dispatch,telPhone } = this.props;      if(!telPhone || typeof(telPhone)==undefined)      {        utils.toastShort('请输入手机号');        return false;      }      if(!(/^1[34578]\d{9}$/.test(telPhone)))      {        utils.toastShort('手机号格式有误,请重新输入');        return false;      }      this.setState({disable:true});      dispatch(signinAction.requestSigninSendSMSCode(telPhone));      let thisObj=this;      let t=thisObj.state.intervalTime;      this.timer = setInterval(        () =>         {          if(t==0)          {            thisObj.setState({tempText:thisObj.state.text});            this.setState({disable:false});            clearInterval(this.timer);          }else{            thisObj.setState({tempText:t+'秒'});            t--;          }                  },        1000      );    }  }  render() {    return (      
this.sendCode()} >
); }}// export redux componentexport default SendVerificationCode;


/** * 星星评价组件 * * @date    2017-07-08 * @author  wuxiaoyan<408991702@qq.com> *//** * 引用格式 * 
this.setState({star: text})} //选填 点击星星的回调 /> */import React,{PropTypes} from 'react';import { Icon } from 'antd-mobile';import common from '../../configs/common';class StarList extends React.Component { // injection reduer object and other params static get propTypes() { return { praiseStar: PropTypes.number, onPress:PropTypes.func, size:PropTypes.number, }; } constructor(props) { super(props); // Initialize the view state this.state = { giveStar:0 }; } render() { let {praiseStar}=this.props; let {onPress}=this.props; let {size}=this.props; let res = []; for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { let tempI=i+1; res.push(
{ if(onPress){ this.setState({giveStar: tempI}); onPress(tempI); } }} > { onPress?
); } return (
); } }// export redux componentexport default StarList;



/** * 数据交互配置 * * @date    2017-06-09 * @author  shuwenjie<4483378@qq.com> */import { Link,hashHistory } from 'react-router';import {toastShort} from '../utils/Toast';const api = {    /**   * 中南服务器   */  HOST: '/',  SOCKETHOST: 'ws://',  RESOURCES: 'https://zn.ijianjian.cn/pmc/resources/',  /**   * URI 列表   */  //首页  URI_SYSTEM_LOGIN: 'repair-master/login',//  URI_SYSTEM_ENGINEER_LOGIN: 'repair-master/user/repair_engineer/bind_wx_openid',//  URI_SYSTEM_MESSAGE: 'data/URI_SYSTEM_MESSAGE.json',  URI_SYSTEM_MESSAGE_DETAIL: 'data/URI_SYSTEM_MESSAGE_DETAIL.json',  URI_SYSTEM_MAINTAIN_HOMEDATA:'data/URI_SYSTEM_MAINTAIN_HOMEDATA.json',  URI_SYSTEM_NissinSystemMain: 'data/URI_SYSTEM_NissinSystemMain.json',  URI_SYSTEM_EXPLORATIONBUSINESS: 'data/URI_SYSTEM_EXPLORATIONBUSINESS.json',  URI_SYSTEM_KNOWLEDGEBASE: 'data/URI_SYSTEM_KNOWLEDGEBASE.json',  URI_SYSTEM_KNOWLEDGEBASEDETAIL: 'data/URI_SYSTEM_KNOWLEDGEBASEDETAIL.json',  URI_SYSTEM_COLLECT:'data/URI_SYSTEM_COLLECT.json',  URI_SYSTEM_EXPLORATION_PIC:'data/URI_SYSTEM_EXPLORATION_PIC.json',  URI_SYSTEM_CUSTOMER_HOMEDATE:'data/URI_SYSTEM_CUSTOMER_HOMEDATE.json',  URI_SYSTEM_SENG_ACCOUNT:'data/URI_SYSTEM_SENG_ACCOUNT.json',  URI_SYSTEM_SEND_VERIFICATIONCODE:'data/URI_SYSTEM_SEND_VERIFICATIONCODE.json',  URI_SYSTEM_CHECK_ACCOUNT:'data/URI_SYSTEM_CHECK_ACCOUNT.json',  URI_SYSTEM_MODIFY_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD:'data/URI_SYSTEM_MODIFY_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD.json',  //客户相关  URI_CUSTOMER_CUSTOMER_LIST:'data/URI_CUSTOMER_CUSTOMER_LIST.json',  URI_NEWS_NEWS_LIST: 'data/URI_NEWS_NEWS_LIST.json',  //订单  URI_ORDER_PRODUCT_TYPE: 'repair-master/product/system',//'data/URI_ORDER_PRODUCT_TYPE.json',//系统列表  URI_ORDER_PRODUCT_LIST: 'repair-master/product/product/page_by_product_group',//data/URI_ORDER_PRODUCT_LIST.json',//关键字查产品  URI_ORDER_PRODUCT_VERSION:'repair-master/product/product_type/list_by_product',//data/URI_ORDER_PRODUCT_VERSION.json',//查产品类型  URI_ORDER_PRODUCT_PROJECT:'repair-master/product/product/page_by_product_group_and_project_name',//根据项目名进行查询  URI_ORDER_PRODUCT_COMPANY:'repair-master/product/product/page_by_product_group_and_company_name',//根据公司名进行查询  URI_ORDER_PRODUCTINFO_PAGE:'repair-master/product/product/product_and_info',//根基id查询产品详情信息  URI_ORDER_PRODUCT_NUMBER:'repair-master/product/product/page_by_product_group_and_number',//根据物料编码进行查询  URI_ORDER_CREATE_ORDER: 'data/URI_ORDER_CREATE_ORDER.json',  //URI_ORDER_ORDER_LIST: 'data/URI_ORDER_ORDER_LIST.json',//客户端订单列表  URI_ORDER_ORDER_LIST: 'data/URI_ORDER_ORDER_LIST1.json',//维修师端订单列表  URI_ORDER_ORDER_DETAIL: 'data/URI_ORDER_ORDER_DETAIL.json',  URI_ORDER_CHANGE_ORDER: 'data/URI_ORDER_CHANGE_ORDER.json',  URI_ORDER_MODIFY_ORDER: 'data/URI_ORDER_MODIFY_ORDER.json',  URI_ORDER_SELECT_ENGINEER: 'data/URI_ORDER_MODIFY_ORDER.json',  URI_ORDER_CUSTOMER_EVALUATE: 'data/URI_ORDER_CHANGE_ORDER.json',  URI_ORDER_ENGINEER_EVALUATE: 'data/URI_ORDER_MODIFY_ORDER.json',  URI_ORDER_NEW_ORDER: 'data/URI_ORDER_NEW_ORDER.json',  URI_ORDER_GET_EVALUATE: 'data/URI_ORDER_GET_EVALUATE.json',  URI_ORDER_STATUS_LIST: 'data/URI_ORDER_STATUS_LIST.json',  URI_ORDER_BACK_VISIT: 'data/URI_ORDER_CHANGE_ORDER.json',  URI_ORDER_CREATE_KNOWLEDGE: 'data/URI_ORDER_CHANGE_ORDER.json',  URI_ORDER_PRODUCT_INFO:'data/URI_ORDER_PRODUCT_INFO.json',  URI_ORDER_PRODUCT_MANAGER: 'data/URI_ORDER_PRODUCT_MANAGER.json',  //维修师  URI_ENGINEER_ENGINEER_LIST: 'data/URI_ENGINEER_ENGINEER_LIST.json',  //产品  URI_PRODUCT_PRODUCT_LIST: 'data/URI_PRODUCT_PRODUCT_LIST.json',  URI_PRODUCT_REPAIR_ORDER_LIST: 'data/URI_PRODUCT_REPAIR_ORDER_LIST.json',  URI_PRODUCT_ORDER_MANAGER: 'data/URI_PRODUCT_ORDER_MANAGER.json',  URI_PRODUCT_PRODUCT_MANAGER: 'repair-master/product/project',//'data/URI_PRODUCT_PRODUCT_MANAGER.json',//项目管理  URI_PRODUCT_PRODUCT_MANAGER_FORM: 'repair-master/product/project',  URI_PRODUCT_ADD_PRODUCT: 'repair-master/product/productCase',//产品录入  //供应商  URI_SUPPLIER_SUPPLIER_LIST: 'data/URI_SUPPLIER_SUPPLIER_LIST.json',  //工作  URI_WORK_SUPPLEMENT: 'data/URI_WORK_SUPPLEMENT.json',  URI_WORKS_MSHEETRANKING: 'data/URI_WORKS_MSHEETRANKING.json',  URI_WORKS_KONWRAKING: 'data/URI_WORKS_KONWRAKING.json',  URI_WORKS_CSCORERANKING: 'data/URI_WORKS_CSCORERANKING.json',   //我的  URI_MINE_CUSTOMER_INFO_DETAIL: 'data/URI_MINE_CUSTOMER_INFO_DETAIL.json',  URI_MINE_SAVE_CUSTOMER_INFO: 'data/URI_ORDER_CHANGE_ORDER.json',  URI_MINE_ENGINEER_INFO_DETAIL: 'data/URI_MINE_ENGINEER_INFO_DETAIL.json',  URI_MINE_SAVE_ENGINEER_INFO: 'data/URI_ORDER_CHANGE_ORDER.json',  URI_MINE_COLLECT:'data/URI_MINE_COLLECT.json',  URI_MINE_EVALUATE:'data/URI_MINE_EVALUATE.json',  URI_MINE_EVALUATE_NUMBER:'data/URI_MINE_EVALUATE_NUMBER.json',  URI_MINE_COMPLAINT:'data/URI_MINE_COMPLAINT.json',  URI_MINE_MY_DEVICE:'data/URI_MINE_MY_DEVICE.json',  //qq地图相关  QQ_MAP_NAME:'myapp',  QQ_MAP_KEY:'OB4BZ-D4W3U-B7VVO-4PJWW-6TKDJ-WPB77',    /**   * tip相关   */  networkTip: '网络错误,请重试!',  getErrorTip,  validResponse};/** * api调用错误提示 * @param {object} error  - 异常信息 */function getErrorTip(error) {  if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {    //toastShort(`网络错误,${error}`);  } else {    //toastShort(api.networkTip);  }}/** * 验证服务器响应对象 * @param {object} res    - 服务器响应对象 */function validResponse(res) {  if (res && res.resultCode == 0) return true;  if (res && res.resultCode === 1002 ) {    toastShort('登录失败,账号或密码错误');  }else if(res && res.resultCode ===1004 || res && res.resultCode ===1005 || res && res.resultCode ===1006){    toastShort('您的登录已失效,请重新登录');    hashHistory.replace('/SystemLogin');  }  else {    toastShort(res && res.resultMsg ? res.resultMsg : '网络错误,请重试');  }    return false;}export default api;


/** * 公用配置集合 * * @date    2017-07-06 * @author  shuwenjie<4483378@qq.com> */import theme from './theme';import size from './size';import api from './api';const common = {  theme,  size,  api,};export default common;


/** * 公共方法 * * @date    2017-08-02 * @author  wuxiaoyan<408991702@qq.com> */import { hashHistory } from 'react-router';const func = {  goBack};/** * api调用错误提示 * @param {object} error  - 异常信息 */function goBack(url) {  if(url)  {    hashHistory.push(url);    }else{    window.history.go(-1);  }}export default func;


import { useRouterHistory } from 'react-router'import createHashHistory from 'history/lib/createHashHistory'export default useRouterHistory(createHashHistory)()


import React from 'react'import { Route, IndexRoute } from 'react-router'import SystemMenuScreen from '../components/system/Menu';import SystemHomeScreen from '../components/system/Home';import SystemNotFoundScreen from '../components/system/NotFound';import SystemLoginScreen from '../components/system/Login';//账号管理import SystemAccountManagerScreen from '../components/system/AccountManager';import SystemAccountModifyScreen from '../components/system/AccountModify';import SystemRoleListScreen from '../components/system/roleList';import SystemDistributionAuthorityScreen from '../components/system/DistributionAuthority';import SystemDistributionRoleScreen from '../components/system/DistributionRole';import SystemOrganizationListScreen from '../components/system/OrganizationList';//资讯管理import NewsNewListScreen from '../components/news/NewList'import NewsNewGroupScreen from '../components/news/NewGroup';import NewsNewEditScreen from '../components/news/NewEdit';import NewsNewRecomScreen from '../components/news/NewRecom';import NewsNewContentScreen from '../components/news/NewContent';//客户资料管理import CustomerCustomerListScreen from '../components/customer/CustomerList';import CustomerCustomerContactsScreen from '../components/customer/CustomerContacts';import CustomerCustomerOrderDetailsScreen from '../components/customer/CustomerOrderDetails';import CustomerCustomerEstabilshScreen from '../components/customer/CustomerEstablish';import CustomerOrderStatusScreen from '../components/customer/OrderStatus';import CustomerRelatedContactsScreen from '../components/customer/relatedContacts';//项目管理import ProductProductManagerScreen from '../components/product/productManager';//项目管理添加import ProductProductManagerDetailsChangeScreen from '../components/product/productManagerDetailsChange';//项目详情页面import ProductProductManagerDetailsScreen from '../components/product/productManagerDetails';//材料详情import ProductMaterialDetailsScreen from '../components/product/materialDetails';//供应商管理import SupplierSupplierListScreen from '../components/supplier/SupplierList';import SupplierSuppilerInfoInputScreen from '../components/supplier/SuppilerInfoInput';import SupplierSuppilerDetailsScreen from '../components/supplier/SuppilerDetails';//维修人员管理import EngineerEngineerListScreen from '../components/engineer/EngineerList';//维修人员录入import EngineerEngineerEditScreen from '../components/engineer/EngineerEdit';//产品列表import ProductProductListScreen from '../components/product/productList';//产品列表详情import ProductProductListDetailsScreen from '../components/product/productListDetails';//import ProductRepairOrderListScreen from '../components/product/repairOrderList'//import ProductRepairOrderListDetailsScreen from '../components/product/repairOrderListDetails'//import SystemAuthorityManagerScreen from '../components/system/authorityManager'//订单管理import ProductOrderManagerScreen from '../components/product/orderManager'//订单管理详情import ProductOrderManagerDetailsScreen from '../components/product/orderManagerDetails'//配件修改import ProductProductPartsListEditScreen from '../components/product/ProductPartsListEdit'//待派单列表import ProductOrderingListScreen from '../components/product/orderingList'//配件单管理import ProductPartsListScreen from '../components/product/partsList'//配件单详情import ProductPartsListDetailsScreen from '../components/product/partsListDetails'//维修师详情import ProductEngineerDetailsScreen from '../components/engineer/engineerDetails'//返厂订单import ProductReturnListScreen from '../components/product/returnList'//投诉订单import ProductComplainListScreen from '../components/product/complainList'//产品管理import ProductProductGroupScreen from '../components/product/ProductGroup';//产品录入import ProductProductListEditScreen from '../components/product/productListEdit';//配件退货import ProductRejectedScreen from '../components/product/rejected';//知识库管理import KnowledgeKnowledgeListScreen from '../components/knowledge/KnowledgeList';import KnowledgeKnowledgeGroupScreen from '../components/knowledge/KnowledgeGroup';import KnowledgeKnowledgeEditScreen from '../components/knowledge/KnowledgeEdit';//数据统计import StatisticsIndexScreen from '../components/statistics/Index';//KPI管理import StatisticsKPIManagerScreen from '../components/statistics/KPIManager';function checkLogin(nextState, replaceState) {     if(!sessionStorage.getItem('USER_API_TOKEN') ){     replaceState('/SystemLogin');   }}const routes = (  
);export default routes;






/** * 应用尺寸配置 * * @date    2017-07-06 * @author  wuxiaoyan<408991702@qq.com> */const size = {  width: window.screen.width ,// 返回实际屏幕宽度  height: window.screen.height ,// 返回实际屏幕高度  iosStatusBarHeight: 6,  inputComponentHeight: 40,// 输入框高度  arrowForwardIconWidth: 30,  arrowForwardIconSize: 20,};export default size;


/** * 应用主题配置 * * @date    2017-07-06 * @author  shuwenjie<4483378@qq.com> */const theme = {  backgroundImage:'-webkit-linear-gradient(120deg,#19194B,#30C8D3);',  nilColor: '#ffffff',      // 空白背景色  mainColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255,0.1)',     // 主色调  statusBarColor:'#0290fe',//状态栏颜色  oppColor: '#ffffff',      // 反色调  grayColor: '#aaaaaa',     // 灰色  txtColor: '#fff',         // 文字颜色  linkTxtColor: 'blue',         // 链接文字颜色  borderColor: 'rgba(220, 220, 220,0.2)',   // 边框色  placeholderColor:'rgba(255, 255, 255,0.5)',  // 输入框提示颜色  starColor:'#FFCC00',//星星颜色  borderBottomStyle:{
//边框样式 borderBottomColor: 'rgba(225, 225, 225, 0.5)', borderBottomWidth:1, borderBottomStyle:'solid' }, borderLeftStyle:{
//边框样式 borderLeftColor: 'rgba(225, 225, 225, 0.25)', borderLeftWidth:1, borderLeftStyle:'solid' }, inputLableStyle:{
//输入框对应文字样式 color:'#222' }, submitButtonStyle:{
//提交按钮样式 height: '.9rem', backgroundColor: '#11ACE9', borderRadius: '.1rem', borderColor:'rgba(121,121,121,0.1)', borderWidth:1, borderStyle:'solid' }, submitButtonTextStyle:{
//提交按钮文字样式 color: '#ffffff', fontSize: 18 }, commonTextStyle:{
//普通文字样式 color: '#fff', fontSize: '.24rem' }, commonFlexStyle:{
//通用flex模型 display:'flex', flexDirection:'column', }, navBarStyle:{
//导航栏的样式 backgroundColor:'rgba(255, 255, 255,0.1)', marginBottom:1, position: 'fixed', left:0, right:0 }, buttonListStyle:{ margin:'0px 10px', color:'rgb(0,153,0)', cursor: 'pointer' } };export default theme;

三 、utils


import fetch from 'isomorphic-fetch'import { API_PREFIX, API_SUFFIX } from '../constants'// todo : 连接store// const code = global.$GLOBALCONFIG.STAFF.codefunction buildParams(obj) {  if (!obj) {    return ''  }  const params = []  for (const key of Object.keys(obj)) {    const value = obj[key] === undefined ? '' : obj[key]    params.push(`${key}=${encodeURIComponent(value)}`)  }  const arg = params.join('&')  return arg}// 下面是注释用formdata的方式传输数据/*export function fetchJSON(url, params) {  params = {    ...params,    headers: {      'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8',      ...params.headers,    },  }  url = `${API_PREFIX}${url}${API_SUFFIX}`  return fetch(url, params)}*/export function fetchJSON(url, params, target) {  let data = {    'method': 'POST',    'Content-Type': 'application/json',    'body': JSON.stringify(params)  }  if(target){    url = `${target}${url}${API_SUFFIX}`  } else {    url = `${API_PREFIX}${url}${API_SUFFIX}`  }  return fetch(url, data)}// eslint-disable-next-line arrow-parensexport const fetchJSONByPost = (url, target) => query => {  // 下面是注释用formdata的方式传输数据  /*const params = {    method: 'POST',    body: buildParams(query),  }  return fetchJSON(url, params)*/  return fetchJSON(url, query, target)}export const fetchJSONStringByPost = url => query => {  const params = {    method: 'POST',    body: query,    headers: {      'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',    },  }  return fetchJSON(url, params)}


/** * 数据交换工具 * * @date    2017-05-09 * @author  shuwenjie<4483378@qq.com> */import common from '../configs/common';import Storage from './Storage';//get方式export const get = (url, params) => {  if(url.indexOf('.json')>=0){    url=url.split('.json')[0]+'.json';  }  if (params) {    let paramsArray = [];    Object.keys(params).forEach(key => paramsArray.push(key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(params[key])));    url += '?' + paramsArray.join('&');  }  /*eslint-disable */  console.log('ApiRequest',{ url, params });  /*eslint-enable */  return request(url, 'get', null, getheaders());};function getheaders() {  return {    'Authorization':sessionStorage.getItem('USER_API_TOKEN')  };}//post请求export const postForm = (url, params) => {  /*eslint-disable */  console.log('ApiRequest',{ url, params });  /*eslint-enable */  let body;  if(url.indexOf('.json')>=0)  {
//本地调试 body = params; return get(url, params); }else{ body = new FormData(); for (let key in params){ body.append(key, params[key]); } return request(url, 'post', body, getFormDataHeaders(url)); }};function getFormDataHeaders(url) { if(url=='login') { return {}; }else{ let Authorization=sessionStorage.getItem('USER_API_TOKEN'); return { //'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data', 'Authorization':Authorization }; } }//x-www-form-urlencoded请求export const formUrlencoded = (url, params) => { /*eslint-disable */ console.log('ApiRequest',{ url, params }); /*eslint-enable */ let body; if(url.indexOf('.json')>=0) {
//本地调试 body = params; return get(url, params); }else{ body = ''; for (let key in params){ if(body==''){ body=body+key+'='+params[key]; }else{ body=body+'&'+key+'='+params[key]; } } return request(url, 'post', body, getformUrlencodedHeaders(url)); }};function getformUrlencodedHeaders(url) { if(url=='login') { return { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }; }else{ let Authorization=sessionStorage.getItem('USER_API_TOKEN'); return { 'Authorization':Authorization }; } }function request(url, method, body, headers) { let isOk; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fetch(common.api.HOST + url, { method, headers: headers ? headers : {}, body }).then((response) => { if (response.ok) { isOk = true; } else { isOk = false; } return response.json(); }).then((responseData) => { if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { /*eslint-disable */ console.log('ApiClient', { state: 'success', url, method, body, headers, res: responseData }); /*eslint-enable */ } if (isOk) { resolve(responseData); } else { reject(responseData); } }).catch((error) => { if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { /*eslint-disable */ console.log('ApiClient', { state: 'error', url, method, body, headers, error }); /*eslint-enable */ } reject(error); }); });}


/** * 提示语工具 * * @date    2017-05-09 * @author  shuwenjie<4483378@qq.com> */import { toastShort } from './Toast';export const checkIsrequire = (checkObject) => {  let result=true;  for(var key in checkObject){    if(checkObject[key].require && checkObject[key].value ==='' )    {      toastShort(checkObject[key].errorTip);      result=false;      return result;    }  }  return result;};


/** * 公用工具集合 * * @date    2017-07-08 * @author  wuxiaoyan<408991702@qq.com> */import * as toast from './Toast';import * as ApiClient from './ApiClient';const utils = {  ...toast,  ...ApiClient,};export default utils;


/** * 本地存储操作工具 * * @date    2017-05-09 * @author  shuwenjie<4483378@qq.com> */class DeviceStorage {   static saveToken(token) {    return null;  }  static getToken() {    return sessionStorage.getItem('USER_API_TOKEN');  }  static getToken(key) {    return sessionStorage.getItem(key);  }}export default DeviceStorage;


/** * 提示语工具 * * @date    2017-05-09 * @author  shuwenjie<4483378@qq.com> */import { message } from 'antd';let toast;export const toastShort = (content) => {  message.info(content);};


import {Toast} from 'antd-mobile';import { hashHistory } from 'react-router'export function ajaxFn(returnData,callback,javaUrl){            $.ajax({        type:"post",        url:javaUrl,        data:returnData,        dataType: "json",        //async:false,    //false 表示ajax执行完成之后在执行后面的代码        success(data){               Toast.hide();            switch(data.resultCode){                case ('5'):                    Toast.offline('登录超时,请重新登录!', 1.5,()=>{                        // const url = window.location.href.split("#/")[0];                                                // window.location.href = url;                        hashHistory.push('login');                    });                    break;                                                        }                callback.call(this,data);                                },        error(a,b,c){            console.log(a,b,c);            Toast.hide();            Toast.offline('网络连接失败!', 1);                    }    });      } /*获取传入时间的当月最后一天*/export function getLastDay(time) {             let date = new Date(time);    let new_year = date.getFullYear();    //取当前的年份              let new_month = date.getMonth() + 1;//取下一个月的第一天,方便计算(最后一天不固定)                            let new_date = new Date(new_year,new_month,1);                //取当年当月中的第一天              return (new Date(new_date.getTime()-1000*60*60*24)).getDate();//获取当月最后一天日期          } /*获取对象长度*/export function getObjectCount(object){      var n, count = 0;      for(n in object){  da        if(object.hasOwnProperty(n)){              count++;        }      }      return count;  };/*根据内容设置iframe高度*/export function iframeAutoHeight(id){    parent.document.getElementById(id).height=0;    parent.document.getElementById(id).height=document.body.scrollHeight;         } /*获取今天的日期*/export function getNowFormatDate(time=new Date(),type,seperator="-") {    let date = new Date(time);    let year = date.getFullYear();    let month = date.getMonth() + 1;    let day = date.getDate();    let hour = date.getHours();    let minute = date.getMinutes();    let second = date.getSeconds();    if (month >= 1 && month <= 9)month = "0" + month;    if (day >= 0 && day <= 9) day = "0" + day;    if(hour >= 0 && hour <= 9) hour = "0"+hour;    if(minute >= 0 && minute <= 9) minute = "0"+minute;    if(type == "dateTime"){        return `${year + seperator + month + seperator + day} ${hour}:${minute}:${second}`;    }else if(type == "time"){        return `${hour}:${minute}:${second}`;    }else{        return year + seperator + month + seperator + day;    }}/*根据毫秒数转成正常时间格式*/export function msConversionDate(millisecond,format){    let date = new Date(millisecond);    return getNowFormatDate(date,format);}/*滚动条加载数据*/export function scrollLoad(callback){        let contrastValue = 0;    /*滚到底部加载下一页*/    window.onscroll = () => {        const contentHeight = document.body.scrollHeight;       /*内容总高度*/        const winHeight = window.innerHeight;                   /*当前窗口高度*/        const scrollTop = document.body.scrollTop;              /*滚动条距离顶部的距离*/                   /*两次距离一样就不操作*/                                        if(scrollTop + winHeight >= contentHeight && scrollTop != contrastValue ){                                    contrastValue = scrollTop;            callback.call(this,contentHeight);                         }                };     }/*获取链接上的参数*/export function geturl(name) {    var reg = new RegExp("(^|\\?|&)" + name + "=([^&]*)(\\s|&|$)", "i");    if (reg.test(location.href)) return decodeURI(RegExp.$2.replace(/\+/g, " ")); return "";};export function isWeiXin(){    var ua = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();    if(ua.match(/MicroMessenger/i) == 'micromessenger'){        return true;    }else{        return false;    }}



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